
The database consists of two different parts presenting detailed information on actions taken to:

  • Reduce harmful drinking and promote responsible consumption; and
  • Advance environmental sustainability.

Our actions to reduce harmful drinking

31 actions

Actions to raise awareness of the dangers of drinking and driving such as designated driver campaigns or dedicated actions to promote alternatives to driving under the influence of alcohol.

Heavy-episodic drinking, especially among young adults
35 actions

Actions to discourage harmful drinking by young adults. Some of the actions aim at empowering young adults, providing them with knowledge and skills to adopt responsible drinking behaviour in specific settings such as clubs, students’ parties, or holidays abroad. As part of these actions we partner with bars, shops, and night premises to train staff so as not to sell to/serve intoxicated people.

Non-commercial alcohol
4 actions

Initiatives raising awareness of the risks and adverse consequences of consuming non-commercial and counterfeit products.

6 actions

Initiatives promoting “zero consumption” for women willing to conceive or breastfeeding.

Responsible drinking
101 actions

Actions to promote responsible drinking by adult consumers. A wide range of actions can be found according to target groups (e.g. young adults, elderly people), specific settings (e.g. GP practices, universities, bars), and the tools deployed to convey key messages (e.g. awareness-raising campaigns, consumer information websites).

Underage drinking
42 actions

Spirits producers never engage with minors directly. We therefore support actions by third party groups who support parents and teachers in helping minors to understand the effects of alcohol and the reasons why they should not be drinking. Other actions aim at raising knowledge and skills of staff working in bars and shops so as not to serve/sell to underage people.

17 actions

Initiatives range from the adoption and implementation of alcohol policies at the workplace, to information and education campaigns for employees or referral and support systems for those with alcohol-related problems.

Our actions to improve environmental sustainability

Agriculture & Biodiversity
29 actions

Distilled spirits are exclusively produced from agricultural raw materials such as cereals, grapes, fruits, sugar-cane, molasses or potatoes. We work closely with farmers to encourage good practices in terms of sustainable agriculture, often in close coordination with environment certification schemes by national authorities.

Sustainable production
34 actions

Spirits producers are embarking on a wide range of actions and approaches to boost environmental sustainability during the production process: for instance, by. using green energy in production, achieving higher levels of energy efficiency, reducing water use, promoting eco-friendly solutions to reduce waste output, increasing waste re-use, switching towards sustainable packaging, achieving higher use of reusable or recyclable materials.

Down the value chain
21 actions

Actions taken by spirits producers to reduce the environmental footprint in logistics and transport of spirits and in the final consumption moment (e.g. working with bars to cut on the use of plastic straws).