Scotch Whisky Action Fund: Tackling alcohol-related harms

The Scotch Whisky Association
United Kingdom
2013 > Ongoing
#AwarenessRaising #Parents #StaffTraining


The Scotch Whisky industry is and has been involved for many years in a range of initiatives to promote responsible attitudes to alcohol and tackle alcohol-related harm.  The establishment of this fund by the Scotch Whisky Association is a further development of that commitment.


The Fund aims to invest in groups and organisations that have innovative plans to reduce the impact of alcohol-related harm in Scotland’s communities.  Launched in 2013, it was a five-year commitment to provide £100,000 per annum.  In 2018 the decision was taken to extend the Fund until 2023 delivering £1 million of funding over 10 years.

The Fund aims to support and develop a range of projects/initiatives which deliver targeted interventions designed to tackle alcohol-related harms in Scotland’s communities.  

The Fund seeks applications  for innovative or pilot initiatives which aim to test fresh approaches to tackling alcohol-related harm and which will offer an opportunity for learning that others can use.  Awards of up to a maximum of £25,000 for a one-year period can be made through this Fund.  Applicants must also explain how they plan to evaluate the project.

Projects which secure funding under this Fund and can demonstrate an impact can receive further funding of up to £25,000 per annum to support their initiative.  The Fund will support projects for a maximum of three years.


Foundation Scotland


As of October 2022, 82 awards have been made to organisations across Scotland.Total amount awarded since the intiative started is £1,070,595. Details of the projects are given in the attached documents and are summarised on the SWAF webpage.  An Impact Report covering the first five years of operation of the Fund was published in 2020.

In 2021, six projects recieved funding. Five new projects and one that received continutaion funding.

Measurement & evaluation

Foundation Scotland monitors the individual initiatives that receive funding.
Each initiative that receives funding as part of its application is required to set out how it will evaluate its impact.




Photo gallery


SWAF grantees 2022.pdf (pdf - 0.11 Mo)
SWAF The First 5 Years FINAL.pdf (pdf - 25.04 Mo)
SWAF innovation Awardees 2020.pdf (pdf - 0.15 Mo)
SWAF Projects_April 2020.pdf (pdf - 2.14 Mo)
Scotch-Whisky-Action-Fund-Awards-2014.pdf (pdf - 0.1 Mo)
SWA-Grants-awarded-2015.pdf (pdf - 0.1 Mo)
Scotch-Whisky-Association-Awards-2016.pdf (pdf - 0.08 Mo)
Grants awarded 2017.pdf (pdf - 0.58 Mo)
SWAF awardees 2018.pdf (pdf - 0.23 Mo)
SWAF grantees 2021 for Drinksinitiative website.pdf (pdf - 0.12 Mo)