European Night Without Accident

Ευρωπαϊκή Νύχτα Χωρίς Ατυχήματα
Hellenic Association of Drinks Distributors / Greek Federation of Spirits Producers
2009 > Ongoing
#AwarenessRaising #Breathalyser #DesignatedDrivers #On-trade


To reduce the number of alcohol-related road accidents involving young drivers (primary target group is aged between 18 and 28 years).

To promote road safety and the importance of responsible driving, increasing thereby awareness and showing young drivers that drinking and driving do not go together.

To promote the use of the designated driver.


The Night Without Accident was launched for the first time in Belgium in 1995 by volunteers of Responsible Young Drivers (RYD). The initiative met huge success and with the support from the European Commission in 2003, the action went beyond borders and became the European Night Without Accident. RYD is responsible for organising European Night Without Accident events every year, which involve many volunteers that educate young people against driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The event is held every 3rd Saturday of October. 

In Greece, alcohol-related accidents and excessive speed are the main causes of traffic accidents.  Saturday nights are especially problematic: the number of fatal traffic accidents triples.  Therefore, the “Panos Mylonas” Road Safety Institute (I.O.A.S) joined the programme in 2007, carrying out their activities at the same time as the large Pan-European event.  Diageo sponsored the event in 2009 and in 2010 E.N.E.A.P. / SEAOP took over sponsorship.

The “European Night without Accident” is run by Panos Mylonas on the third Saturday of October every year. Young volunteers, located outside of nightclubs:

  • Encourage each group arriving to designate a driver for the evening. The designated driver is identified by a bracelet as a symbol of their commitment. When leaving the premises they are asked to take a voluntary breathalyser test.
    • If below the legal driving limit, they are rewarded with small gifts (t-shirt, sticker, keychain, information leaflets etc.).
    • If not, they are encouraged to return home by taxi or to allow a friend who has not drank any alcohol during the evening drive them.
  • Volunteers also inform those who do not have a driver’s license that they should not get into a car/on a motorbike with a driver who has consumed alcohol.

In 2020, despite COVID-19, events were carried out in compliance with COVID-19 safety measures (masks, disposable mouthpieces, keeping distance, etc.). 

The message

  • The message conveyed during the evening is: “Everyone has fun but ONE doesn’t drink… the designated driver” and “You can drive but you can’t drink, you can drink but you can’t drive”.
  • From 2021, the “Staying sober is as simple as wearing a wristband! Just do it. Life is good, don't waste it for a drink!” is also shared. 

Sharing the message

  • As of 2016, the messages are also shared via volunteer updates and posts on social networks.
  • As of 2022, key messages are shared via TV spots on all channels across the country. The messages also address other causes of road accidents, including parental influence on their children’s future driving behaviour, excessive speed, distraction, and the importance of front and rear seat belt use.
  • In 2022, two teasers were posted on social media, the first titled "Where will you be on 15 October?" and the second titled “Life is good! Don't risk her for a drink”.
  • Also, in 2023, in Attiki, messages about alcohol and driving were displayed the week preceding activities at bus stops.

Ad hoc support

  • In 2014, Deputy Minister of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks Mr Papadopoulos, who visited Kozani and took a breathalyser during his night out, thus supporting the event.
  • In 2016, EN.E.A.P. / SEAOP also supported the campaign under the “responsibility Alliance for the Responsible Sale of Alcohol” umbrella, the logo of which was included on the cover of promotional material (leaflets).
  • In 2017, the Deputy Regional Governor of Achaia, Mr Grigoris Alexopoulos, and the Assistant Regional Governor for Health and Social Solidarity, Mr Antonis Harokopos attended an event in Patras.
  • In 2017, the Vice-Regional Governor for Transport and Communications, Mr Dimitrios Hatzivrettas, congratulated Panos Mylonas for the initiative during a press conference given by the Region of Central Macedonia on 20 October. He also expressed his admiration for the initiative adding: “For the first time in my political career I see volunteers participating in an action to reach out and raise awareness in such a direct way to the citizens, exactly in the places where they have fun”.
  • In 2022, representatives of various municipalities and regions participated including: the Regional Governor Mr G. Patoulis, the Mayor of Epidaurus Mr A. Chronis,the Deputy Regional Governor of Arcadia, Mr E. Skandzos and the Deputy Mayor of Operational Planning, Planning and Organisation and Volunteering of Lamia, Mr D. Tzouflas.


Panos Mylonas (Greek Road Safety Institute) – Leader -started the event in 2007.

Responsible Young Drivers (RYD)

Greek Traffic Police (provide breathalysers and show volunteers how to use them).

European Commission

Every year dozens of national and local bodies also take part including the Alliance for Safety and Culture on the Road “Roads to the Future”, the Hellenic Red Cross, the Hellenic Scout Corps, the University of Patras and the University of Peloponnese.


21 October 2023: The event took place in 35 nightclubs in 32 cities with 700 volunteers. 2,000 people became designated driver.  Of these 1,650 were breathalysed. In addition, 22 posts and 2 reels on Facebook reached 46,174 and had 2,049 reactions. 2 reels and 11 stories on Instagram reached 3,901 people and had 134 likes. More than 300 articles and reports appeared in the press and online. 

Results for previous years can be seen in the attached document.

Measurement & evaluation

2023: 82.5%of the designated drivers took a breathalyser (59% men and 41% women with an average age of 35.5). 85.5% were below the legal limit 42% of which had not consumed any alcohol at all (56% men and 44% women). However, 13.7% were above the legal driving limit. Participants in large Urban Centres (Attica, Thessaloniki, Patras, etc.) were most likely to be over the limit with some as high as: 1.01 g/mL, 0.99g/mL and 0.97g/mL.  77% of those who recorded the highest consumption are men with an average age of 36.

Research carried out by I.O.AS. on 16 October 2021 among designated drivers at the time of the breathalyser (60.5% men and 36.8% women, 58% of which were under 35) found that:

  • 20% were novice drivers (less than 3 years experience) whilst 58% had more than 10 years of experience.
  • 50% had planned being the designated driver, whilst 28.9% were encouraged by to become one by volunteers and 5.3% were encouraged by volunteers and their friends.
  • 85% have already been a designated driver whilst for 28.9% it was the first time. 68% would be designated driver again.
  • 5% had decided not to be designated driver in the past because they intended to drink alcohol when out.
  • 5% believed that the designated driver could drink if they remained below the legal threshold. Only 36.8% said that designated drivers should not drink any alcohol at all.
  • 60% had drank alcohol the previous night.
  • 87% thought that they had as much or more fun than their friends.
  • 76.3% think it’s easy to be the designated driver.




ENWA 2013
ENWA 2016
ENWA 2017
ENWA 2019
ENWA 2020
ENWA 2020 TV spot
ENWA 2020 (statements)
ENWA 2021
ENWA 2022
ENWA 2022 Teaser1
ENWA 2022 Teaser2
ENWA 2023 teaser1
ENWA 2023 info spot
ENWA 2023 teaser2
ENWA 2023

Photo gallery


ENWA statistics and outcomes 2019 to 2022 (docx - 0.05 Mo)
Leaflet (pdf - 1.2 Mo)
Instruction card (pdf - 0.63 Mo)