Alliance for the Responsible Sale of Spirits - Responsibility Alliance

Συμμαχία για την Υπεύθυνη Πώληση Οινοπνευματωδών Ποτών
Hellenic Association of Drinks Distributors / Greek Federation of Spirits Producers
2016 > 2022


To reduce alcohol-related harm at national level by delivering training sessions; public information and awareness raising campaigns; prevention and education programmes.


The “Responsibility Alliance” was launched on 28 June 2016 in Athens.  It is the first alliance of its kind representing the whole chain of production and distribution.  It is a voluntary initiative created by the Hellenic Association of Drinks Distributors (ENEAP) and the Greek Federation of Spirits Producers (SEAOP).  Members of the association are actors of the retail and on-trade sectors and/or relevant representing organisations as well as high profile NGOs, Academic institutions and Government organisations activating in areas of health prevention.

Members work together to implement common actions which aimed at promoting responsible drinking and the responsible sale of alcohol in Greece.  Contracting members commit to work together to common goals which are:

  1. Reduce underage drinking.
  2. Strengthen and expand marketing codes of practice.
  3. Provide consumer information and responsible product innovation.
  4. Reduce the number of drink-drivers.
  5. Commit the wider industry supply chain to reduce irresponsible consumption of alcohol. 

Members agree to play an important role in limiting the negative patterns that lead to thoughtless consumption; create the proper environment promoting the responsible consumption of alcohol and create a protective umbrella for vulnerable groups, particularly teenagers.  Representatives of the industry bodies and firms agree to serve and support the Alliance’s actions through their communication channels.  Social and institutional partners commit to provide counselling and certification.   

Informational Actions:

  • Launch event – press conference: The 28 June event was attended by the Alliance’s members, government officials, the public and the media.   The first initiative aimed at promoting responsible drinking patterns and ensuring the responsible sale of alcoholic beverages was introduced.  
  • Presentation by SEVT: On 7 December 2016, special mention of the Alliance’s goals and actions was made by SEVT in their presentation of the European Charter of Action for reinventing food and beverages.  
  • Presentation to the scientific community: The Alliance, its goals and suggested actions were presented at the Conference for Social Paediatrics and the Promotion of Health (6-9 October 2016) and the Panhellenic Conference of the Public Health and Social Medicine Forum (1 November 2016).
  • Magazine Featurette: A two-page tribute on the Alliance was featured in “ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΩ”, the financial and business magazine of the Central Association of Greek Chambers.  The edition featuring the Alliance was dedicated to presenting and promoting best practices and noteworthy initiatives of Corporate Social Responsibility taken by Greek companies and associations.
  • Athens Bar Show 2016: The Alliance was promoted with the use of e-banners and special announcements in the event’s website and social media.
  • Facebook: The Alliance Facebook page regularly post information on responsible drinking.

Support materials:

  • Alliance e-banner and website: A dedicated website features the Alliance’s Charter, its member list and audiovisual material.  An e-banner with the Alliance’s logo has been uploaded to several of its Members’ websites.
  • Stickers, coasters, badges and signage: Special signage has been created for outlets where alcoholic beverages are sold.  The Alliance sticker is placed in retail outlets, hotels and night venues.
  • Poster and leaflet:  Poster and information leaflet with information about alcohol as well as the Responsible Sales Authorities.  Both are uploaded to the Alliance’s website and distributed in retail outlets.  The content includes information on responsible alcohol consumption alcohol and why is important to not take risks.  
  • Myths infographic: Infographic on the 10 most common myths about alcohol consumption.  This infographic includes information about the alcohol content of each beverage, how it is eliminated by the body and the effects of excessive alcohol consumption on the human body.
  • Staff information material: Informational material aimed at staff working in retail outlets.  The goal is for every member to be able to inform and train their employees on responsible selling, mainly on avoiding selling to teenagers.  The material provides useful information on the nature and vision of the Alliance and why it is important not to sell alcohol to minors.  This framework can be used by all members to inform and raise awareness of Responsible Selling among their staff.  Each company-member is responsible for the dissemination of the material to their employees. 

Education programmes:

  • Consumer Information: The first initiative aimed at promoting responsible drinking patterns and ensuring the responsible sale of alcoholic beverages.  The moto was “the responsible consumption of alcohol is an issue that concerns us all”.   The first step of the campaign was to raise knowledge and awareness of low-risk drinking guidelines.  Special effort was made to remind people that there are no “hard” or “soft” drinks and that every typical serving of an alcoholic beverage (wine, beer or spirits) contains approximately the same amount of alcohol.  Therefore, it doesn’t matter what you drink but how much and how you drink.
  • Bartender Training: Training of professional barmen and students in schools of Tourism and Hospitality was held in Thessaloniki on 7 December 2016.  The topic was the responsible selling and serving of alcohol with a focus on drink-driving and road safety.  An initiative of the Greek Barmen Association, the training was delivered under the guidelines of the Responsibility Alliance.
  • Competition: In 2018 the Alliance created a competition to encourage young people aged 18 - 25 to think about responsible consumption and responsibility in general. 
  • Influencer Videos: In 2021, a series of videos on responsible drinking were created by a well-known influencer.

Upcoming actions and planning:

  • School education programme: The programme will be specially designed to address pupils of secondary education (12 – 17 year olds).  Taking into consideration the best international standards and practices, the programme will be adapted to meet with Greek circumstances.
  • Retail e-learning platform:  The platform will be created according to international standards and selected best practices.  It will sensitise employees to responsible selling and familiarise them with the techniques that will allow them to properly manage consumers who are minors. 
  • Video: Production and screening via social media and possibly as a social message by TV and radio outlets.  

Promotion: Promotion of the Responsibility Alliance and its actions are ongoing.  For example, press releases are sent before, during and after actions.  Ads are included in the sector’s press and e-magazines.  The Responsibility Alliance participates in the market sector conferences and exhibitions for retailers.  Marking with the logo of the Responsibility Alliance is added to points of sale.


Responsibility Alliance founders


Members & Professional Associations

  • ΣΕΒΤ - Federation of Hellenic Food Industries
  • E.E.O - Greek Union of Oenologists Hellenic Bartenders Association
  • ΑΒ VASSILOPOULOS - Greek partner of Ahold Delhaize Group
  • Bartenders (Luxury events & Bar management, premium cocktail catering)
  • MY MARKET - The Greek hypermarket part of METRO Cash and Carry Group
  • PAPATHEOCHARIS Group of Companies (operates in the field of leisure, recreation and tourism)
  • GRECOTEL Hotels & Resorts (the leading hotel chain in Greece)

Counselling Partners

  • CSR HELLAS (Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the strategies and operations of businesses and organisations, regardless of size or sector)
  • EDDYPPY - Hellenic Inter-Municipal Network of Healthy Cities of the WHO
  • EKPA - National & Kapodistrian University of Athens
  • E.E.K.P.P.Y - Hellenic Society of Social Pediatrics and Health Promotion
  • I.O.A.S - Hellenic Research and Educational Institute for Road Safety, “Panos Mylonas”
  • KE.TH.E.A - Greek Therapy Center for Dependent Individuals Center of Research and Accidents prevention


2016: During the launch: Michael Kefalogianni, journalist; Antonis Sakellaris, spokesman for the Deputy Secretary General Public Health; Evangelia Kourenta, Director of Rural Policy, International Relations and Promotion of the Ministry of Rural Development; Argyris Peropakis, Deputy Head of the European Commission Delegation in Greece spoke.  “ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΩ”:  30,000 recipients all over Greece.  The magazine is distributed to government officials, Embassies, foreign Chambers and the 1,750 members of the 59 Greek Chambers.  Athens Bar show: The two day event had more than 8,000 visitors, including at least 2,500 bartenders.  Website visits: From October – December 2016 the website had almost 6,000 unique visitors.

2018: 128 young people took part in the competition and 9 winners were chosen.

2019: The Responsible Alliance won the silver medal in the Communication Campaign category at the Hellenic Responsible Business Awards 2019 for the Let it be on me! competition. 

As of December 2022, the Facebook has 9,900 “likes” and 9,925 “followers”.




Pleasure is in moderation TV spot

Photo gallery


Commitment and Partnership Charter.pdf (pdf - 0.39 Mo)
Myths Infographic.pdf (pdf - 0.77 Mo)
Retail Social Media Post a.pdf (pdf - 1.06 Mo)
Retail Social Media Post b.pdf (pdf - 1.11 Mo)
Retail poster.pdf (pdf - 1.85 Mo)
Leaflet: A responsible consumer is an informed consumer.pdf (pdf - 5.02 Mo)
Responsibility_ Alliance Logo GR.pdf (pdf - 0.26 Mo)
Responsibility_ Alliance Logo ENG.pdf (pdf - 0.26 Mo)