The Wrong Side of the Road

European Union
2021 > Ongoing
#AwarenessRaising #PublicPrivate


To help people understand the consequences of drink driving.

To reduce the number of people who believe drink-driving is socially acceptable.

To show people how alcohol reduces their risk perception, how it affects their mood, behaviour and reaction time.


The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) and Diageo launched the anti-drink driving learning experience ahead of the UN Global Road Safety Week in May 2021.  Road traffic crashes are a major source of injury and disability throughout the world. It is the leading cause of death among people aged 15-29 years.  Alcohol impairment significantly increases the risk of a collision: drink-driving, is a key risk factor for 27% of all road injuries.  For example, Hungary is one of the most affected countries: in 2021, 1,214 accidents were caused as a result of alcohol consumption – 8.6% of all road traffic crashes, and, recently published provisional government statistics for the UK revealed drink-drive fatalities have reached their highest level in a decade, while globally 5-35% of all road deaths are believed to be alcohol-related.

The interactive experience allows people to have a conversation with a real drink driver to help them understand the effects of alcohol, and the shame and stigma that comes with drink driving.  It presents a series of real-life scenarios with three, pre-recorded drink drivers in the format of a video call, including drink driving after a party, and the morning after consuming alcohol.  As each story unfolds, the resource invites the participant to ask increasingly raw questions such as “Did you feel pressure to drive?”, “What was going through your head?” and “How did your family react?”.  At the end of the module, participants are shown a summary of learnings and directed towards other online resources that can offer additional advice and support.  It is hoped that they have learned how to overcome social stigmas associated with drink driving, including the social consequences and its impact on their professional and personal relationships.

The project has been launched across Europe (Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Spain and the UK).

This  initiative is part of an evolving approach that promotes changes in attitudes as a way of tackling drink driving and supports Diageo’s 10-year sustainability action plan, Society 2030: Spirit of Progress.


United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)

Country specific partners are also involved such as the Hungarian Spirits Association, the Police, LikeDrive Driving School and Park! parking application in Hungary.


As of the end of 2022, the project has been launched globally in 24 countries including in Europe (Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Spain and the UK). Over 500,000 people in have been reached in 24 countries. In Southern Europe over 20,000 people took part through online, off-trade and on-trade activations.  Also, the Hungarian project was covered 86 times in media (National: 50 – 5 TV, 2 radio, 43 online, Regional: 36 –2 print, 34 online) reaching 9 million.  Over half million were reached through partnerships.  More than 6,500 individuals have been educated by the project.

Measurement & evaluation

In 2022, a survey of Hungarian respondents showed that 91% stated that they are less likely to drink and drive after taking part.  Also, The project launch in Hungary was shortlisted for the prestigious European communication award, European Excellence Awards 2022.




Wrong side of the road

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