The Bar World of Tomorrow

Pernod Ricard
European Union
2020 > Ongoing


To train 10,000 bartenders by 2030.

To promote sustainable and responsible practices in the hospitality industry.

To support wet-led hospitality both during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.


The Bar World of Tomorrow, is an online training programme aimed at upskilling bartenders on sustainable and responsible practices.  With common issues affecting the planet around single use, an over-reliance on imported and often wasted citrus, a habitual dependency on resource-intense ice , and prevalent practices impacting on people, such as irregular and late night shift work, the bar industry has its own unique sustainability burdens.  It is aimed at both bartenders and owners of the Café Hotel Restaurant sector.  In addition to English, it is also available in Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Polish and French. 

The programme was developed in collaboration with Trash Tiki and the Sustainable Restaurant Association.  It focuses on key learnings that the bartending community can use to prepare for the future of the industry.  It covers all aspects of sustainability and responsibility from fresh ingredient use to waste management and is directly aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  It also looks at the role of the bartender, their wellbeing and serving alcohol in a responsible manner.  It is based on four pillars (ingredients, service, bar and staff) and assesses each through the 5Rs model: Rethink, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Respect.  Modules include:

  • The Importance of Brand Knowledge & Curation
  • Sourcing Fresh Ingredients
  • Responsible Service
  • Ice Management
  • Identifying Sustainable Bar Set Up Solutions
  • Dealing with Waste
  • Save Water and Energy
  • Achieving Work-Life Balance
  • Creating a Culture of Wellbeing
  • Workplace Policy
  • How to Get Starter
  • Reopening the Right Way

The initiative is part of Pernod Ricard’s commitment to sustainability strategy launched launched in 2019: Good Times from a Good Place.


Sustainable Restaurant Association (The SRA)

Trash Tiki 


As of February 2023, over 12,000 bartenders have been trained with new knowledge and skills to help drive change. 



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