spiritsROMANIA members are committed to the environment

Spirits Romania
2020 > Ongoing


To foster a more sustainable future.


spiritsROMANIA’s members, BDG, Distileriile Bran, PPD, Prodal 94 and Prodvinalco are committed to reducing their environmental impact. Each of these companies have embraced fostering a more sustainable future for several years. Examples of their activities to reduce their environmental impact can be found below. 

BDG’s sustainability initiatives

BDG is one of the main importers of alcoholic beverages in Romania. The company was founded in 1994, entered the spirits market in 2006 and also has their own brands. Its website is https://www.bdg.ro/ro/.

BDG has set ambitious targets for reducing its environmental impact. Key initiatives are:

  • Reducing paper and printing accessory consumption through increased digitalisation of internal processes.
  • Fully recycling all packaging used within their office and warehouse spaces.

Looking forward, BDG is exploring the adoption of paper products made from fallen leaves, a sustainable innovation from Releaf Paper. This product, which was recognised with the European Inventor Award 2024, is already in use by global brands like LVMH and Chanel. BDG aims to incorporate this eco-friendly paper into its marketing strategies, aligning with its broader sustainability goals. 

Distileriile Bran’s sustainability initiatives

The Bran family have been distilling alcoholic beverages for generations. In 1993, the Bran name became a registered trademark. Today, the distillery produces palinca, plum brandy, țuica and rakia. Its website is https://distileriilebran.ro/.

Distileriile Bran has embraced sustainability by implementing a circular economy approach to its distillation processes.

The key initiative revolves around the efficient use of byproducts generated during distillation:

  • Byproducts are transported to a biogas plant where they are converted into renewable energy.
  • The resulting kernels from the distillation process are:
    • Used as a biofuel source in the Bran Distilleries’ building complex central heating system.
    • Used to maintain the fire under the boilers. 

PPD’s sustainability initiatives

The company, part of the Photos Photiades Distributors group, has been present in Romania since 2007 where it is one of the leading distributors of premium spirits. Its website is https://www.ppdglobal.com/markets/romania/.

PPD Global supports the fight against climate change and is dedicated to reducing the environmental impact of its activities by investing in innovative energy saving solutions and renewable resources. It has taken significant strides toward energy efficiency and decarbonisation in Romania. It:

  • Uses distillation byproducts to produce biogas.
  • Repurposes kernels to fuel its central heating system.
  • Installed solar panels on the roof of the storage building and distribution centre in Bucharest in 2024.

PPD global also intends to equip its headquarters in Bucharest with solar panels as well.

Prodal 94’s sustainability initiatives

Founded in 1994, Prodal 94 is one of the biggest players in the spirits segment in Romania and has its own portfolio of established brands. The company is also present on international markets including in Europe, Asia, North and South America. Its website is https://www.prodal.ro/.

One of Prodal 94’s fundamental values on which the business was built is respect for the environment. Its brand Stalinskaya is making steady progress in its sustainability efforts through various targeted initiatives which include:

  • Continuously improving selective waste collection to enhance recycling rates.
  • Reducing secondary packaging waste by increasing the number of units in a box to cut down on excess materials.
  • Reducing paper usage in daily operations by encouraging digital alternatives to reduce waste.
  • Modernising its fleet of vehicles with hybrids and more energy-efficient options, to reduce its carbon footprint.
  •  Automating certain processes to optimise efficiency.
  • Installing an oil filter in the central plant to capture airborne oil particles for recycling.
  • Implementing measures in its water treatment plant to mitigate water pollution.
  • Renting and repairing personal protective equipment (PPE) to reduce textile waste.

Prodvinalco sustainability initiatives

Prodvinalco began in 1932 initially operating under the name “Max Werlheimer Spirit Factory”. In 1991, it was transformed into a joint-stock company and was privatised in several stages, becoming one of the most important producers of spirits in Romania. Its website is https://www.prodvinalco.ro/.

Prodvinalco is committed protecting the environment and the objectives of its quality and environment policy include:

  • Sustainably using resources.
  • Continuously improving the integrated management system.
  • Continuously improving its environmental performance.
  • Preventing or reducing the harmful impact of its activities.
  • Fulfilling its environmental compliance obligations.

As part of the policy, Prodvinalco introduced a programme for reducing of the amount of waste generated from its activities in 2021. This includes:

  • Identifying measures to prevent and reduce the amount of waste generated from activities.
  • Reducing the amount office waste sent to landfill.
  • Regularly training employees on how to sort office waste.
  • Collecting PET tape for recycling.
  • Recycling single-use equipment waste.
  • Reducing glass packaging waste (eg. By introducing packaging weight criterion in the evaluation/selection of suppliers or in the design of the packaging).
  • Favouring the use of waste recycling companies instead of waste disposal companies.
  • Yearly auditing waste service providers and the weight of recyclable waste generated on site given to recycling companies.


spiritsROMANIA: Reports on its members, BDG, Distileriile Bran, PPD, Prodal 94 and Prodvinalco, environmental sustatainability activities. 


BDG has reduced its paper and printing accessory consumption by 50%. Recycling all packaging used ensures minimal waste from operations.

Distileriile Bran’s use of byproducts generated during distillation ensures a continuous and efficient energy supply to power the distillation process.

PPD’s solar panels produce up to 405 kWp and enable the warehouse to run on renewable energy, cutting CO2 emissions by more than 150 tons annually. Additionally, any excess energy produced is fed into the national grid, contributing to a more sustainable energy infrastructure.

Prodal 94 received ISO 14001 certification in 2015. The standard provides a framework to design and implement an environmental management system (EMS), and continually improve its environmental performance.

Prodvinalco received ISO 14001 certification in 2015. In 2022, it decreased the waste generated by 0.1% and increased the recovery rate by 0.1% compared to 2021.


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