On-the-ground public engagement

2017 > Ongoing


To educate consumers on standard drinks measures, the HSE low-risk guidelines and the effects of alcohol on health and wellbeing.

To support informed decisions, with a view to reducing alcohol consumption. 


Drinkaware was established in March 2016 as a health promotion organisation. Its vision is of an Ireland where alcohol is not misused, and its mission is to fundamentally and permanently change attitudes and behaviours to prevent and reduce misuse. Drinkaware works towards achieving its mission by raising awareness, creating understanding and supporting behaviour change through evidence-led education and effective communications.

Drinkaware prides itself on delivering a public benefit which is what drives the priorities of the small but dedicated team. Participating in, and exhibiting at, public-facing events across the country supports this, and provides valuable and numerous opportunities for the public to ask questions directly to the team. These events also give Drinkaware a chance to hear feedback on their resources and programmes, and on the topics of most interest and value to the public.

Drinkaware’s face-to-face engagement began in 2017 with information stands hosted at a range of conferences and events which facilitated on-the-ground engagement. This engagement increased in 2018, with the team hosting information stands and distributing their range of health promotion resources at conferences and events nationwide. 2020 presented challenges for the team in terms of on the ground public engagement, many events that they would typically attend were cancelled, moved online, or postponed due to restrictions. 2021, as with 2020, presented challenges for the team for on-the-ground public engagement. However, the team explored new avenues for engagement such as the launch of the inaugural Public Webinar titled, ‘Get the Facts’. The webinar focussed on raising awareness of the low-risk weekly guidelines and what a standard drink and binge/ risky drinking are. Pádraig Walsh joined Drinkaware CEO Sheena Horgan to discuss positive behaviour change and how the low-risk weekly guidelines can be incorporated into a persons’ day to day life.

2022 saw the return of in-person events across the country. The Drinkaware team were delighted to once again return to the National Ploughing Championships and engage with the public through sporting events during the year.

  • The National Ploughing Championships: 2022 was the biggest Ploughing Championships to date and took place over three days.
  • Public webinar: In September Drinkaware hosted a public Webinar on Mindful Drinking and Mental Health. The Drinkaware team were joined by Dil Wickremasinghe, an IACP pre-accredited Psychotherapist and counsellor, Pádraig Walsh, Behavioural Psychologist and Kate Coffey an alcohol-free influencer. The event was featured in an Irish Times article on Mindful Drinking. Tickets for the event ‘sold out’ within hours, with the public joining the discussion on how alcohol can affect our mental health and tips for a more mindful approach to drinking.
  • Aviva Stadium: Small prompt cards were handed to members of the public at 2 international football matches and at the 3 Autumn International rugby matches.


In 2022, Drinkaware exhibited at:

  • Ploughing Championships: 277,000 people attended across the three days and the demand for conversations and resources was seen throughout the event. Over 12,230 resources were handed out, with countless conversations taking place covering topics of concern to the public, for example, drink driving, talking to young people, alcohol’s impact on mental health, and the low-risk weekly guidelines.
  • Aviva Stadium: Overall, over 9,000 prompt cards were given out to the public. 

In 2021, Sheena Horgan joined the in-person panel at the IBEC Keep Well summit, and Drinkaware responded virtually though their system to attendees’ questions. 58 people attended the public webinar, and Drinkaware received positive responses through their post webinar survey:

In 2020, Drinkaware exhibited at the fully immersive virtual IBEC Keep Well Summit (September, 236 visits to the booth with over 140 clicks on resources and additional information provided through the ‘chat room’). Information on our Workplace Wellness programme was the most popular topic and we spoke with attendees in the ‘chat room’, detailing the programme and the resources we offer.

In 2019, Drinkaware exhibited at Diabetes Ireland Conference (February, est. reach 200); Tullamore Show (August, est. reach 1,000); Ploughing Championships (September, est. reach 4,000); Over 50s Show (October, est. reach 500) and Mental Health & Wellbeing Summit (October, est. reach 200).

In 2018, Drinkaware exhibited at the National Ploughing Championships, IBEC Keep Well Summit, Diabetes Ireland conference, Tullamore Show, Mental Health and Wellbeing Summit and Education and Training Boards Ireland conference.

In 2017, Drinkaware exhibited at the National Ploughing Championships, GP Ireland conference and Mental Health and Wellbeing Summit.

Measurement & evaluation


  • Public Webinar: “Excellent panel and discussion”; “Thank you, very good discussion. I am early on in my sober (curious) journey and already feel so much better and healthier” (Attendees, Survey Monkey, 2022).
  • Aviva Stadium: The public reception to the cards was very positive. Visits to the benefits of drinking less page increased by 6.5% MOM and on average views of ‘Driving the morning after drinking’ video increased by 31% because of the drink driving prompt card.




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