No Binge: Responsible Consumption Communication

No Binge: Comunicare il consumo responsable
Federazione Italiana Industriali Produttori Esportatori e importatori di Vini, Acquaviti, Liquori, Sciroppi, Aceti et Affini
2022 > Ongoing
#AwarenessRaising #University


To spread the message of responsible drinking among young adult consumers.

To raise awareness of the negative effects of alcohol abuse among young adult consumers.

To turn students into real ambassadors of the responsible consumption message.


University students take part in the programme which contributes to their final grade. They are first taught about responsible consumption, such as the recommended drinking guidelines, about binge drinking and categories of people (such as minors) and situations (such as when driving) when not to drink.

They then work in teams over a three-month period taking up the analytical and creative challenge of the brief to design a communication campaign aimed at combatting alcohol misuse and abuse among their peers. The idea is to use communication between equals as peer-to-peer communication is very effective. The students are supported during the creation process and receive guidelines, including communication, the target group (25-year-olds), not using commercial brands and the theoretical budget of 300,000 euros.

Each project is given a score by the jury for creativity, completeness, compliance with guidelines and feasibility.

2022-2023 – Academic Year

Students taking the second year of the “Economics and Business Management” master’s degree, led by Professor Mattiacci, at the La Sapienza University took part.

The projects were first judged by Professor Mattiacci.  The top 20 were then judged by the Evaluation Commission for 80% of the final mark. The Commission comprised the president of the Casa Executive Committee (Study and intervention centre for the social aspects of the consumption of alcoholic beverages) and University professors, marketing professionals, and industry representatives. 

The 5 groups that obtained the highest scores from the Evaluation Commission presented their work during the public awards ceremony held on 1 February 2023 at the Sapienza University Conference Centre. The remaining 20% of final mark was voted on by the attending public.

The top 5 teams were:

  • Draw the insight - Anna Fornaro, Angela Gorgoglione and Giulia Zeoli (Winner)
  • Amira - Sara Fratini and Noemi Gliottone
  • Brainstorm - Elena Pistillo and Giovanni Sgorbissa
  • GIM - Giulia Battista, Marica Bissoni and Ilaria Elia
  • I Cataldi - Cristian Bottaro, Danilo Calicchia and Chiara Corrao

2023-2024 – Academic Year 

Universities of Sapienza and Vanvitelli: Students taking the master's degree courses in communication and marketing took part.

77 proposals were judged by the Evaluation Commission which comprised the President and Director of Sales & Marketing Worldwide at Banfi and University professors from both universities and the General Manager of Federvini.

The final awards ceremony took place at the University of Sapienzia’s Congress Centre on 6 February 2024, during which the eight finalists presented their proposals. Notable attendees were: Ugo Della Marta, Director General food hygiene and safety and nutrition at the Ministry of Health; Annarita Patriarca, Secretary of the Presidency and member of the Chamber of Deputies Social Affairs Commission, and, Sabrina Alfonsi Councillor for agriculture, environment and waste at the Municipality of Rome Capital.

Winning projects were:

  • Basta Bere Poco! (Stop Drink Less!) by Giorgia Milardi, Gaia Controsceri, Arianna Iacobini at Sapienza University and 
  • Un poco alla vodka (A little less vodka) by Andrea D'Aniello and Maria Teresa Mastropietro) at Vanvitelli. 
  • Special mention was given to the “Impact wave” team (Elettra D'Agostino, Alessandro Coacci, Annalisa Ellari) at Sapienza University. 

University of Verona: Students taking the master’s degree in marketing and corporate communication took part.  

32 proposals were judged by the selection committee which comprised four university professors. Four finalists presented their projects at the awards ceremony on 11 June 2024 at the University of Verona. The winner was “Pensiamoci su” (Let’s think about it) by Caterina Bizzarri, Martina Di Marco and Alice Rocchetti.


Sapienza University in Rome (2022-ongoing)

Vanvitelli University in Capua (Naples) (2023-2024)

University of Verona (2023-2024)


2023-2024: Universities of Sapienza and Vanvitelli: 223 students produced 77 projects. University of Verona: 80 students produced 32 projects.

2022-2023: 180 students produced 58 projects. The best 20 teams were given a certificate of participation with the position achieved in the ranking. Prizes were given to the top 5 teams.

The students enthusiastically accepted the challenge and presented numerous highly serious, sensitive, and creative projects, demonstrating a conscious approach to the issue.  The originality of the claims, the social proposals, the involvement of influencers and the messages proposed, highlighted the value of the collaboration between companies, universities, and students in tackling an issue of economic, social, and cultural importance.




2023-2024 Award ceremony
October 2023 Rodolfo Maralli
October 2023 Attilio Scienza
October 2023 Barbara Herlitzka
2022-2023 Award ceremony

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