Minors not a single drop – Renfe / ADIF campaign

Fundación Alcohol y Sociedad
2022 > 2023


To delay the onset of alcohol consumption and reduce the number of underage drinkers.

To raise awareness of the effects of underage drinking.


The Alcohol and Society Foundation and RENFE (National Train Company) collaborated to display a short video on their trains between 1 to 31 October 2022.  The one-minute video highlights the problems associated with alcohol misuse and the work that the foundation has done over the past 20 years to prevent alcohol misuse by minors.   The video focuses on the age of onset, the risks of early drinking in minors and how every drink affects negatively on their development.

The Alcohol and Society Foundation and ADIF (National railway infrastructure) also joined forces to further raise awareness of the effects of underage drinking. The “Resist temptation dude.  If you are a minor, zero alcohol!” posters, were developed by the students from “Rey Juan Carlos University” to addresses underage drinking and were displayed in train stations for a period of twenty days between January and February 2023.


RENFE (National Train Company)

ADIF (National railway infrastructure)


The video was displayed on train tv Channels from the 1 to 31 October 2022.

The “Resist temptation dude.  If you are a minor, zero alcohol!” posters were displayed from 25 of January to February 2023 in train stations.



1 minute video

Photo gallery