Gas Natural Use

Espirituosos España
2018 > 2018
#C02Emissions #ResourceEfficiency


To change use natural gas in the bottling plant.

To install an economiser in the steam boiler.


In order to reduce emissions at the bottling plant, the use of fuel oil is replaced by natural gas which is a clean  environmental fuel.  Also, greenhouse gas emissions are lowered by reducing current fuel consumption (natural gas). 

These measures are accomplished by installing an economiser in the steam boiler of the distillery of Palazuelos de Eresma (Segovia).


Beam Suntory Spain / Destilerias DYC

Town Hall of Valverde del Majano (SEGOVIA)

Natural Gas Fenosa, S.A.

Cogen Energía España, S.A.


Greenhouse gas emissions were drastically reduced thereby eliminating 100% of all sulfur oxides emissions, as the combustion of natural gas does not produce such compounds.

Fuel consumption was reduced by 5% through the installation of the energiser.  Therefore emissions were also be reduced in the same percentage.

Measurement & evaluation

Results are measured through the periodic analysis of the combustion gases of the steam boiler where sulfur oxide emissions have been eliminated.

Fuel consumption will be measured and compared with the old ones without economiser to see if the 5% savings certified by the manufacturer has been fulfilled at the end of January 2020.



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