Enjoy Responsibly

Nauti Kohtuudella
The Association of Finnish Alcoholic Beverage Suppliers
2014 > Ongoing
#AwarenessRaising #Consumerinfowebsite


To provide information about responsible drinking.


The consumer information website was launched mid-2014 and was revamped in 2017.  It provides summary information on the benefits of moderate alcohol consumption and a healthy attitude to alcohol.  It contains sections on:

  • 0-Tolerance: Provides information on the groups that should not drink – Under 18’s, pregnant women and drivers.
  • The energy content of alcohol: Provides information on the amount of calories in a drink and how to calculate them.
  • Track your spending: Provides information on how to keep track of the number of drinks consumed, how to calculate BAC levels and what a standard drink is.
  • Ask the expert: Through a series of questions and answers, experts provide advice to parents about how to talk to their children about alcohol, How to apply moderate drinking to a restaurant situation and How to keep safe when boating.

In addition, when users arrive on the site, a pop-up encourages them to check how much they know about alcohol by taking the Responsible Drinking Quiz #RDQ. 


The website has around 1,500 visits per year.





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