Dance of Responsibility: Never Drink and Drive

European Union
2023 > Ongoing
#AwarenessRaising #ReducingHarmfulDrinking #SocialMedia


To raise awareness of the consequences and risks of drink-driving.

To raise awareness of the impact of drink driving on people’s lives.

To tell a powerful story about the potential tragic consequences of drink driving.


Diageo are deeply committed to tackling drink-driving through education and changing attitudes. Drink-driving remains a problem in Hungary. According to Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) data, in 2022, there were 14,748 road accidents in Hungary causing personal injury, of which 1,195 were caused by drunk driving. Therefore, in 2023, Diageo partnered with the Hungarian world-renowned Attraction Shadow Theatre Dance Company to create a campaign to raise awareness of the consequences and risks of drink-driving in Hungary.

The collaboration with Attraction resulted in a film about the life-changing, often tragic consequences of drunk driving. Through their shadow dance performance, Attraction conveys a strong message through the movements of the dancers. Guided by the story threads the dance brings this pressing issue to life, highlighting the critical importance of being responsible and making the right choice when getting behind the wheel after a party, because we all only have one life. This collaboration is more than just a dance: it’s a call to action. By using the universal language of art, the campaign aims to ignite a conversation and inspire people to make responsible choices when it comes to alcohol and driving.

The campaign, which was joined by the Hungarian National Accident Prevention Committee (ORFK-OBB) and who continue to support the wider dissemination of this highly emotive initiative, has since been launched internationally. The campaign film is now available on Attraction’s YouTube channel, where it can be viewed by anyone at any time at . 

This campaign forms part of Diageo’s Society 2030: Spirit of Progress ESG plan. The goal is to promote changes in attitudes to drink driving, reaching five million people by 2030.


Attrakció Látványszínház (Attraction Shadow Theatre Dance Group, Hungarian winners of Britain’s Got Talent)

National Accident Prevention Committee (ORFK-OBB) of the National Police (Hungary)


The campaign so far (May 2024) has received over 6.8 million views on YouTube from 20+ markets worldwide.



Dance of Responsibility - Never drink and drive

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