100% Cool

100% Cool
Associação Nacional de Bebidas Espirituosas
2002 > Ongoing
#AwarenessRaising #DesignatedDrivers #PublicPrivate #RoadChecks


To decrease the number of alcohol-related road deaths and injuries especially within the 18-30-year-old age range.

To raise awareness for the designated driver concept.

To stimulate target engagement with the “100% Cool” attitude


In 2002 ANEBE established a broad partnership with PSP (Public Security Police) in creating the ‘100 Cool’ designated driver concept, making it one of the oldest continuous campaigns of its kind in Portugal.  The look and feel of the campaign is regularly updated and different tag lines are used, for example: 2002: “It takes more than luck to get home safely”, 2003: “Being cool means not needing to drink to see double the good things”, 2004 “One for all and all for good”, 2005-6: “Mission: Homecoming”, 2007: “The return of the heroes”, 2008 onwards “100% Cool Designated Driver”.  2017 was the 15-year anniversary and was marked by “15-year” branded activations. 

The campaign is promoted through mass media (TV, Radio, cinema and poster billboards), a dedicated website, a Facebook page and the on-trade distribution of leaflets and gifts.  An Instagram page was created in 2017 and a YouTube channel was created in 2019 to reach a wider audience. 

Targeted interventions are regularly carried out by “100% Cool teams” (responsible drinking ambassadors) who accompany traffic police late night controls.  Drivers who have not drank any alcohol (the designated driver) are rewarded with a goodie bag.  

In addition to the regular interventions, targeted interventions also take place.  In 2013, McDonalds took part in the campaign.  They gave free McMenus to the “100% Cool” drivers and 100% Cool flyers were distributed in the McDrive.  In May 2014, coinciding with “academic week” festivities a month-long awareness campaign targeted 18-to-30-year olds in cooperation with the Public Safety Police (PSP).  The 100% Cool Ambassadors visited the entertainment districts in Lisbon, Porto, and other cities to administer breathalyser tests to party goers.  Gifts were given to those with a BAC level of zero.  On the 2014 New Year’s Eve the GNR and ANEBE held targeted interventions in 3 cities (Lisbon, Porto and Algarve - see the RTP TV news).

In 2022, the “100% Cool” programme celebrated 20 years of uninterrupted activity with activities taking place on 22 September (European Car-Free Day), in Lisbon center.  In addition, a “luck wheel” was used to award drivers with a prize for being sober.  Also, the Secretary of State for Civil Protection, Patrícia Gaspar attended the 20th anniversary celebration.

In September 2022, during ROADPOL week, the GNR proposed partnering with 100% Cool.  Flyers with 0 alcohol consumption while driving awareness messages were printed to distribute to drivers during road inspections. Also, in November 2022, Cross-Border Action took place in the Eurocity of the Guadiana, resulting from a partnership between 100% Cool (ANEBE) and Los-Nocturnos (Espirituosos España). The action had the support of the national guards of Portugal and Spain (GNR and Guardia Civil) and the local powers (V. Real de Santo António, Castro Marim and Ayamonte). The aim was to reinforce the Spirits Industry’s commitment to promoting road safety and zero alcohol consumption while driving, both in Portugal and Spain. The action demonstrated the importance of public-private collaboration and the necessary involvement of all social agents to create effective policies for the prevention and promotion of responsible consumption.


2022: National Road Safety Authority (ANSR), the Lisbon City Council (CML) and the National Alcohol and Health Forum (FNAS).  

  • For prizes: PRIO, Zomato Portugal, Viseeon Portugal and IDEA Spaces. The Agency, Standsys and the “Pedalar sem Idade” project.

ACP – Car Club of Portugal

RTP – National Television, SIC – Local Independent Television

BP – British Petroleum

Ministry of Internal Affairs

GNR - National Republican Guard (Police Force)

PSP - Public Safety Police (Police Force)

President of Portugal


Figura de Estilo (Model Agency)

Cat (retail)

Holmes Place

McDonald's (2013)


2022: 500 drivers (with 0.0% blood alcohol level) in total were rewarded during in 17 actions made across Portugal.  4,000 flyers were printed for the ROADPOL week.  During the 20 years celebration 65 drivers (with 0.0% blood alcohol level) were rewarded out of 80 approached. The event had around 100 participants, including Patrícia Costa Gaspar, Secretary of State for Civil Protection. 

Since 2002 more than 25,000 drivers have tested negative for alcohol.  In 2019, more than 1,277 drivers were tested negative for alcohol out of a total of 1,673 during 36 controls nationally.   

In 2017, 1,775 drivers tested negative for alcohol (out of a total of 17,710).  Facebook posts were seen by 81,587 people and had 139,720 interactions.  Instagram posts reached 1,212 people.  In 2016, there 1,1251 drivers tested negative for alcohol (out of 17,710) during 365 control stops. Facebook posts reached 12,486 and had 281 “likes”.  The website had 1,674 visitors.  In 2015, volunteers met 500 young people.  In August 2014, 316 young drivers were stopped in five controls in Albufeira and Vilamoura.  Of those breathalysed, 220 showed no blood alcohol at all or were driving below the legal alcohol limit.  From launch until March 2013 more than 92,000 young people had met the Teams.  Over 24,400 breathalyser tests had been taken by designated drivers (more than 8,100 tested 0%).  There had been more than 9,600 visits to the 100% Cool website. 

The campaign has also received recognition for example: It was recognised twice by Effectiveness Awards (Gold on Marketing of Cause in 2006 and short listed in 2007.  It was a recipient of the Euro Effies in 2005 (the only campaign developed in Portugal that received one).  It was appointed as a model for public, private collaboration by successive Portuguese Presidents - through messages of encouragement and support of His Excellency. Jorge Sampaio (in 2005, 2006) and His Excellency the President Prof. Aníbal Cavaco Silva (in 2007, 2009, 2010). It was included in the academic curricpa of two universities as a paradigm of communication with young drivers.  It was highlighted by the International Center for Alcohol Policies (ICAP) in 2012 as an example of effectiveness in reducing alcohol consumption among drivers. In 2022, the Ministry of Internal Affairs recognized 100% Cool as an excellent example to follow.   

Measurement & evaluation

Statistics suggest that the campaign has contributed to raising awareness in Portugal.  In In 2015, they showed a 73% reduction in young drivers’ fatalities, which is about 20% higher than the reduction observable in general population.

In 2012, the GNR (National Police) stated that “Given the decrease in injuries to young drivers, it is clear that young drivers are particularly aware and interested in receiving information about defensive driving in order to alter their potentially risky behaviour”.  This idea is supported by recent research by ANEBE which showed an 85% awareness of the campaign and 75% affirmation of being designated driver among the target group.  In addition, 2012 police statistics show that there has been a reduction in not only the number of drink-driving casualties but also the number of fatalities within the 18 to 30 age group: a 74% decrease in fatalities among the Portuguese youth compared 43% in older age groups.  Further, there has been a higher fall in casualties and minor injuries among young drivers (66%) compared to other age groups (52%).

In 2011, the police worked in cooperation with ANEBE during the summer, revealing that the number of young drivers aged 18 to 30 years old driving with a BAC of 0 has increased to nearly 80%.  Out of 1,323 drivers tested, 266 young drivers had a positive BAC but were below the legal limit; 15 people had a BAC between 0.50 and 0.79 and only 11 had a BAC between 0.80 and 1.19. 





2020: Valentine's Day, Lisbon
2019: Carnaval de Torres Vedras
2019: Portuguese Police - All night Song

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