We think about our future!

Myslíme na budoucnost
Union of the Czech Spirits Producers and Importers
Czech Republic
2022 > Ongoing
#EnergyEfficiency #Packaging #SustainableAgriculture


By 2027 the company aims to:

  • Expand the fruit orchards by 15%.
  • Increase the number of plots where organic farming is used.
  • Produce 64% of their energy needs from renewable sources.
  • Quadruple the number of solar panels (1,332).
  • Replace the boiler with a new gas boiler.
  • Increase energy use of stillages in the biogas station.
  • Maximise the use of waste heat from the compressor station and hot water from cooling units.


R. JELÍNEK is one of the largest producers of fruit distillates in the world and a member of UDVL.

Their environmental goals are achieved through the consistent application of rules, systems, technology and process innovations, and by their employees’ conviction of the importance of protecting nature.

In 2022, R. JELÍNEK adopted an ambitious roadmap which lists initiatives to reduce the company’s environment footprint. The actions involve the orchards, energy and waste to be achieved by 2027. 


The company sees their fruit orchards not only as a source of raw materials, but also as an important landscape- forming element and a significant environmental tool. Orchards are important for the landscape because trees serve an important ecological function – they help offset the impact of global climate change. Trees do this by several means such as improving air quality; absorbing greenhouse gases and CO2; mitigating the effect of drought and loss of groundwater; slowing down soil erosion and co-create wildlife corridors and territorial elements of ecological stability. 

Organic farming

The company reserves plots in their farm for organic farming. This holistic approach promotes and enhances agro-ecosystem health, including biodiversity, and soil biological activity. As part of their organic farming method the company:

  • Uses agronomic interventions only when necessary.
  • Does not use any synthetic materials such as chemical insecticides or herbicides.
  • Maintains grassy sod in the orchards along with thickets and tree alleys.
  • Mounts nesting boxes in the orchards for birds.
  • Installs perches for birds of prey around young trees. 


The company invests in the revitalisation, development and innovation of their production processes and in using electricity from renewable sources which are fundamental building blocks for their sustainable future. This includes:

  • Bottling plant: 333 solar panels, with a battery storage capacity of 62 kWh, were added to the roof of the bottling plant in 2021. The company plans to add more solar panels to increase their energy production.
  • Lighting: Energy saving lights were installed in areas with a lot of artificial lighting in 2021. All non-energy saving lighting will gradually be replaced.
  • Windows: Windows in the administrative buildings were replaced in 2022.
  • New boiler: The original boiler was replaced with a new energy saving gas boiler in 2022.
  • Production buildings: The production buildings were renovated and thermally insulated in 2022. 


The input of raw material, fresh fruit, is entirely processable. The disposal of stillages, the residual product of the production of fruit distillates, is carried out in the biogas station and the separated stones are dried and sold as fuel.

The remaining material is sent to the bioreactor in the biogas plant which produces biogas. The remaining material, digestate, is used as fertiliser. 


The company tries to keep its packaging as sustainable as possible and uses this approach in the design, production, and distribution of its products. They believe in the “5 R’s” of packaging: reduced, recycled, recyclable, reusable, and renewable and apply them when possible.

  • Recycled: 45% to 56% of glass in their bottles is recycled glass.
  • Recyclable: The company ensures the recycling of packaging with EKO-KOM and NATURPACK who collect used packaging.
  • Renewable: The carton and label suppliers are all have the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification. 

Sustainable purchasing

Sustainability is one of the criteria when the company choses their suppliers and purchasing input materials. They also use Czech suppliers, when possible, to help reduce their carbon footprint.

  • Their bottle suppliers reduce energy consumption by using glass shards.
  • Their carton and label suppliers have FSC certification. This means that their materials come environmentally friendly, socially beneficial and economically viable forestry.
  • 100% of their paper packaging suppliers are Czech.
  • 95% of their glass suppliers are Czech. 


The company uses GREEN 3PL solutions, operated by ESA Logistika, for downstream transport. ESA logistika are a certified “green company”: they hold ISO 14001 certification and have a with a clearly defined environmental policy. This guarantees that all operations with the GREEN 3PL service are done in the most environmentally conscious way.


Organic farming is in partnership with the Fruit Union of Integrated System for Fruit Growing Union (SISPO).


Progress as of December 2023 to meet their targets:

  • To expand the fruit orchards by 15% (from 170 hectares-ha to 200 ha): 188 ha in 2023 (+15ha); 173 ha in 2022; 170ha in 2021.
  • To increase the number of plots where organic farming is used: No information
  • To produce 64% of their energy needs from renewable sources: 16% is currently produced.
  • To quadruple the number of solar panels: No information.
  • To replace the boiler with a new gas boiler. Achieved. The new boiler reduces energy use by 18% and NOx emissions by 56%.
  • To increase energy use of stillages in the biogas station: No information.
  • To maximise the use of waste heat from the compressor station and hot water from cooling units: No information. 

The full circularity of fresh fruit has been achieved.

Solar panels produce an estimated 110 MWh annually.

The renovation/insulation of the production buildings reduced energy consumption by 35%.





2017: Sustainable production

Photo gallery


2022 Sustainability roadmap - R. JELÍNEK (pdf - 4.44 Mo)