
Coordination of producers, importers and distributors of spirits
2024 > 2024
#AwarenessRaising #Influencers #ReducingHarmfulDrinking #SocialMedia


To remind young people, especially students, to think about responsible drinking.

To remind young people, especially students, to “take it slowly, one drink at a time”.


The creative campaign was created by Community Management students from VERN University taking part in the university programme. The winning creation of the 2023-2024 academic year #MaloPomalo was promoted on media portals and social media in February 2024.

The mass media campaign comprised: Four native media articles, ten social media posts, and posts by two influencers.

  • Native media articles: What’s the stupidest thing you’ve done while drunk; What is “binge drinking” and who performs the worst in Europe?; Quiz to measure the reader’s alcohol knowledge; How often young people drink – with surprising answers (video). The articles ended with a link to the consumer information website and a reference to the #MaloPomalo campaign.
  • Ten Instagram posts: Standard drinks; Winning entry to the university competition; Being aware of your limits; About the giveaway; Making a mocktail; Resisting peer pressure; Different degrees of alcohol intoxication; Ideas on how to have fun without alcohol; Recognising your limits; Never drive under the influence of alcohol. All posts ended with “Consume responsibly, consume #MaloPomalo”.
    • The giveaway: The giveaway was run both to promote #MaloPomalo and to reward followers of the campaign’s Instagram profile.  It was run from 17 to 24 February and entrants had to write a creative cocktail proposal in the comment section of the post and tag a person they would invite for the cocktail.  Two 300ml cocktail glasses and a 6-piece stainless steel cocktail set that includes a shaker, a strainer, a dozer, and a wooden stand were awarded to the three winners. 

  • Two social media influencers created 6 social media posts in total (3 Instagram reels, 1 Instagram post, 1 Instagram story set and 1 podcast).


VERN University

Marko Vuletić and Janko Janić (influencers)


Across all platforms, the media campaign successfully reached a total of 664,802 people.

  • The social media campaign effectively leveraged a combination of its own channels alongside media outlets and influencers.
  • The social media handle @konzumirajodgovorno showed significant engagement and reach across various platforms.
  • The 10 Instagram posts and 19 stories attracted 127 new followers, reached 41,743 people and generated 84,879 impressions. The campaign’s most engaging content was a giveaway post which had 110 likes and 92 comments.
  • Collaborations with influencers on Instagram reached 366,786 people, generated 586,064 impressions, had 10,989 likes and 425 saves.
  • An Instagram Influencer (featured) podcast episode was viewed by 10,000 people, received 350 likes and a total of 147,600 impressions.
  • Four native media articles reached approximately 246,273 people.





How much do young people really know about alcohol?

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