The faces of alcohol

Las caras del alcohol
Fundación Alcohol y Sociedad
2005 > Ongoing
#AwarenessRaising #Parents


To increase knowledge and awareness of the risks associated with alcohol consumption by those who are underage.

To raise awareness among pupils of the laws restricting the purchase and consumption of alcohol, and why these exist.

To equip parents with information on the usage of alcohol by teenagers.

To delay the onset of regular drinking among those who are under the legal drinking age.


The website was launched on 2006 as pilot programme in three countries the Czech Republic, Spain and the United Kingdom.  It was updated and optimised in 2011 and is based on three pillars:

  • An interactive part to be used by pupils in their leisure time (11-16 year olds).
  • Work sheets to assist teachers in addressing the issue in scientific or civic education curricula. Teachers can take part in a training session before using the programme on the website with their pupils.
  • Information and guidance for parents to address alcohol with their children.

A tool on the teachers section was created to control and monitor the use of the website as a Pedagogic Programme and keep track of every activity done, time on each page visited etc.


CONCAPA (Catholic Parents Association)
Generation Europe Foundation
COFACE (Confederation of Family Organisations in the European Union)
AEDE (European Teachers Association)
AECA (European Association of Communication Agencies)


From the 2010 school year until December 2022 the website had 169,398 visits and 426,698,436,258 page views.



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