Sustainable Campari

European Union
2011 > Ongoing
#C02Emissions #EnergyEfficiency #ResourceEfficiency #WasteManagement #WaterUse



  • Achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 (or sooner).
  • Reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensity (kg of CO2/L) (2019 baseline) from:
    • Direct operations (Scope 1 & 2): 55% by 2025 and 70% by 2030.
    • Total Supply Chain (scope 3): 30% by 2030.
  • 90% renewable electricity for all production sites by 2025.


  • Reduce water usage intensity (litres withdrawn per liter manufactured L/L): 60% by 2025 and 62% by 2030 (2019 baseline).
  • Continue to ensure the safe return of wastewater from direct operations to the environment. 

WASTE: Achieve zero waste to landfill from direct operations by 2025.


Campari has always focused on responsibility and sustainability, which it considers part of its DNA. The responsible use of resources and reduction of their environmental impact guide activities. This conviction led to the Sustainable Campari project, which was launched in 2011 comprised of three focus areas: Energy, Water and Waste. Examples of improvements carried out include:

  • Energy: In 2013, new technologies were introduced on bottling lines and energy saving lights were fitted. In 2015, a natural lighting system at the Sorocaba plant (Brazil) was installed (since ceased production) and in 2016, a more energy-efficient cooling tower at Arandas (Mexico) was installed. In 2019, the distilleries at Lawrenceburg (USA) and New Yarmouth (Jamaica) began using natural gas fully eliminating wood combustion in 2020.
  • Water: In 2013, the use of rainwater as cooling water was introduced and the water for cleaning and sanitising operations was optimised. In 2014, a programme at Novi Ligure (Italy), in partnership with the University of Genoa, was launched which reduced the water used in the production processes and discharged water.
  • Waste: The Jamaican sugar refinery uses bagasse (the material remaining after sugar cane is crushed) in the cogeneration plant making the site energy self-sufficient (Campari ceased sugar refining in 2020). Also, the bagasse produced at the Arandas is composted then donated to the local authority garden centre as a fertiliser. 

2020 Sustainable Roadmap

In 2020, Campari formalised its sustainability commitments in a roadmap to drive performance towards specific priorities for energy, water and waste with reduction and efficiency targets set for 2025 and 2030. Positive results for water usage resulted in a revision of the targets in 2021. In 2023, more ambitious environmental commitments were made resulting from very positive progression made in 2022. The new set of targets also cover short-term (2025) and medium-term (2030) commitments. The targets align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) they feel they can have the most impact on. 

Energy and GHG emissions

In 2020, Campari began its energy efficiency path through a global multiyear programme, with a commitment to promoting energy-saving initiatives, implementing sustainable solutions and decarbonising production activities. As a result of the 2023 revision Campari defined its first high-level Net Zero roadmap to deliver the 2025 and 2030 commitments, as well as directional activities reaching beyond the 2030 target. 

Actions towards the targets set in 2020

  • Renewable electricity: In 2020, a multi-column distillation system at the New Yarmouth (Jamaica) distillery was installed which uses direct steam injection and indirect heating through reboilers. In 2022, the solar panel installation was completed at the Novi Ligure plant (Italy) and is connected to the national grid.
  • Scope 1 & 2 emissions actions: In 2021, a series of thermal recovery activities were carried out at the Lawrenceburg (USA) distillery and a new natural gas boiler was installed in the in the Arandas (Mexico) distillery. In 2022, a steam boiler fuelled with biomass (organic waste from distillation activities) was installed at the rum distillery in Martinique. In 2022, a new low pressure steam boiler was installed at the Yarmouth distillery.
  • Scope 3 emissions: In 2022, Campari carried out its first annual screening of the 15 Scope 3 emissions categories listed by the GHG Protocol standard. As a result, the categories that contribute most are the purchase of goods and services (67%) and upstream transportation and distribution (13%), which cover the 80% of the total impact. 

Actions towards the revised targets set in 2023

Renewable electricity:

  • In 2023, the solar panel installations were completed at Canale D’Alba (Italy) and in Greece.
  • From January 2024: Renewable electricity from wind sources for all plants and the headquarters in Italy is used, covering about 30% of electricity needs. This results from a multi-year contract (Off-site Power Purchase Agreement, PPA) signed in December 2023. Campari will also support the producer build new wind farms in Italy.
  • Planned for 2024: Solar panel installations in Australia, France, Jamaica and Mexico. 

Scope 3 GHG emissions

  • In 2023, the annual screening found that the categories that contribute the most are the purchase of goods and services (71%), transport and upstream and downstream distribution (12%) and capital goods (10%), which account for 93% of the total impact.
  • In 2023, Campari enhanced its engagement process with the most emissions relevant suppliers for packaging, raw materials and logistics. This process gathers information about emission reduction initiatives and sets standards. Campari helps the target suppliers to define specific decarbonisation roadmaps that include energy efficiency and renewable sourcing programmes, packaging material optimisation and sustainable redesign.
    • Purchased goods and services: sustainable design: In 2023, Campari launched its Sustainable Design Guidelines, a set of principles and rules to be followed and complied with for any product-related development. They cover material intensity, recyclability grade, recycled content, design for disassembly, and mono-material criteria inspired by Reduce, Reuse, Recycle principles. The guidelines have been shared with Campari suppliers and define the baseline for any new development as well improvements to the existing portfolio and products.
    • Glass, closures, alcohol and sugar: Campari engaged 28 suppliers covering all geographies where it operates, representing 71% of its product-related carbon footprint. Engagement workshops have been carried out with main suppliers.
    • Point of Sale (POS) materials: POS items in 2022 were evaluated using a Green Design Tool so that improvements could be implemented for future orders. In 2023, nine items in the Aperol range underwent specification improvements, such as recycled content and recyclability. A contract renewal was also agreed, which will include new and improved KPIs related to sustainability, currently under development.
    • Business travel: A CO2 emissions report has been set up with the lead travel agency tracking emissions in cumulated terms and considering main travel categories (Air, Hotel, Car). In 2024, a new sustainability strategy for the Business Travel category will be defined. 


Water is a precious, shared natural resource and an essential component in the production processes. Campari recognises the importance of water and is committed to preventing and reducing the use of this primary resource through its Global Water Reduction Programme

Action towards the targets set in 2020: In 2020, Campari created a Water Assessment Model to identify the key areas of water withdrawal and consumption, recycled and reused water, water discharge types and destinations, and water treatment methods and analysis. 

Actions towards the targets set in 2021

  • In 2021, a water reduction programme was launched to develop water saving activities for all production sites.
  • In 2022, following on from a pilot in 2021, the bottling operation in Novi Ligure (Italy) implemented a series of improvements to reduce the amount of water withdrawals through recycling and reuse.
  • In 2022, a robust chemical, physical and biological testing programme was implemented across all its manufacturing locations. 

Actions towards the targets set in 2023

  • In 2023, Campari started a new major irrigation project at its Martinique site which will be fully operational in 2026. It will reuse water to irrigate the land and will be shared with the local community for other uses in the area.
  • In 2023, a new water storage system began being built in Jalisco (Mexico).
  • In 2023, Campari committed to implementing distillery sludge treatment plants at Guadalajara (Mexico) and at New Yarmouth (Jamaica). This is to ensure the safer return of the treated wastewater to the environment, including the recovery of solid residues as animal feed and natural fertiliser. 

Water and emissions action: In 2023, Campari began implementing a Thermal Vapour Recovery (TVR) system at the GlenGrant distillery (Scotland) to reduce thermal energy consumption and water withdrawal. This will contribute significantly to the decarbonisation of the distillery, to the reducing CO2 emissions and to reducing water intensity use. The TVR project is also an opportunity to respond to the possible risk of drought in the region. 


Campari is moving from a linear to a circular approach, through different local initiatives aimed at optimising the use and disposal of materials, improving efficiency, increasing recycling, recovery and reuse processes. For organic waste, the production sites aim to increase the recovery and reuse rate of the by-products generated in the production cycle, using them as animal feed, biomass or compost. Also, the percentage of hazardous waste produced during manufacturing activities is very low. Despite this, Campari seeks to prevent and eliminate any environmental impact through the application of appropriate and specific treatment processes for this waste. 

Programmes for waste reduction include for the production sites in the Americas, (represent more than 95% of the total waste to landfill), in Derrimut (Australia), in Volos (Greece), in Italy and the Jamaican plants in cross-collaboration with Martinique plants.


GHG emissions

2023 Target: Achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 or, hopefully, sooner.

Reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensity (kg CO2 /L) (2019 baseline) from:

  • Direct operations (scope 1&2)
    • 2023 Target: by 55% by 2025 and by 70% by 2030: Reduced by 47% in 2023, compared to 2019.
    • 2020 Target by 20% in 2025: Achieved. Reduced by 20% in 2022. By 30% in 2030 (revised in 2023).
  • Total Supply Chain (scope 3)
    • 2023 Target by 30% in 2030: reduced by 19% in 2023 compared to 2019. In 2023, 71% of Campari suppliers CO2 footprint were analysed and introduced to the supplier engagement process.
    • 2020 Target by 25% in 2030: reduced by 5% in 2021 compared to 2019. 

Renewable Electricity

  • 2023 Target 90% renewable electricity in global production sites by 2025: Achieved. 93% renewable electricity across all its production sites worldwide in 2023 (Guarantee of Origin at all EU and American sites.
  • 2020 Target 100% renewable electricity for European production sites by 2025: Achieved in 2021 (renewable origin of purchased electricity Guarantee of Origin). 


Progress to reduce water usage (L/L) from a 2019 baseline:

  • 2023 Target: 60% by 2025 and 62% by 2030: Reduced by 54% in 2023 (compared to 2019).
  • 2021 Target: 40% by 2025 and 42.5% by 2030. Achieved. Reduced by 48% in 2022.
  • 2020 Target: 20% by 2025 and 25% by 2030. Achieved. Reduced by 26% in 2021.

Return 100% of wastewater from operations to the environment safely: 2020 onwards: 100% of wastewater from operations is returned safely. 


2020 Target Zero waste to landfill from direct operations by 2025: In the Americas (more than 95% of the total waste to landfill) waste was reduced by 83% in 2023 compared to 2022. Reduced by 45% in 2022 compared to 2021. Reduced by 24% in 2021 compared to 2020.

Measurement & evaluation


  • In 2023, Campari received an ‘A-’ score (Leadership level) from the CDP which reflects their commitment and action plans to decarbonise its supply chain and direct operations, improve the engagement with its suppliers and service providers to reduce its Scope 3 emissions in 2022.
  • 2022: Campari received the B score (Management) from the CDP (global environmental disclosure system) which reflects their active management in taking and addressing coordinated actions on climate change issues in 2021.
  • In 2014, the Suape site (Brazil) won an environmental sustainability award (IV prêmio de sustentabilidade ambiental) by the State of Pernambuco Federation of Industries, for its rainwater use in cooling processes which led to a saving of 5,420,000 litres in the 1 1/2 years since launch. 


Campari’s environmental performance is certified through international standards (ISO14001/EMAS/ISO50001).



2024: Vittoria Lana
2022: Vittoria Lana

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2021 Share-buyback-programme-Renewable electricity (pdf - 0.11 Mo)