Minimum alcohol, maximum enjoyment

Minimum alkohol, Maximum élvezet
Hungarian Spirits Association
2022 > 2022
#AwarenessRaising #ReducingHarmfulDrinking #SocialMedia


To improve the drinking culture and habits of alcoholic beverages among young adults (18-29), and the wider adult public with special attention to the expected binge drinking.

To educate adults through social media platforms and the website, on how to drink alcoholic beverages responsibly.


2022 was the first summer without restrictions since the COVID-19 pandemic started.  In addition, stress levels had increased due to the economic and war situations.  Because of at-home drinking, lack of social life, feelings of isolation and growing anxiety the 2022 campaign built on the previous year’s message.  It aimed to spread the “celebrate the summer of 2022” message through the “Minimum alcohol and Maximum enjoyment” tag line.  The hashtag for the campaign was #DoMinimumGetMaximum.

The 2022 summer project aimed to make the target audience even more responsible consumers, who understand the importance of appropriate drinking behaviour and who can be credible advocates of the topic.  

Key narrative and message:

  • ENJOY SUMMER 2022 AT THE FULLEST: After this very difficult period, everybody needs enjoyment and escape to summer paradise.
  • MAKE SURE THAT YOU CELEBRATE EVERY SECOND OF YOUR FREEDOM OF 2022 SUMMER WITH MINIMUM ALCOHOL AND MAXIMUM ENJOYMENT! Moderate drinking is cool, binge drinking is lame. Enjoy the best moments of summer 2022.

The campaign was launched during the summer festival season.  The message was spread on HAS’s social media platforms (Facebook and Instagram) and the responsible drinking website.  Also, bring the topic and the campaign closer to the target audience, three videos were created by two content creators, Márton Miskovits and Dávid Katz.  In addition, social media users were encouraged to become an ambassador for the cause by sharing their summer memories.  Users commenting the campaign posts on Facebook or using the #minimummalmaximum hashtag could win festival tickets and vouchers.


12 social media posts reached more than 571,500 and had more than 1.1 million impressions.  The top three social media posts reached 95,000, 71,000 and 61,000 respectively.  Also, the top three social media posts had 234,000, 148,000 and 99,000 impressions respectively.  Posts also generated more than 900 reactions across platforms.

The campaign and its messages were visible through 56 different mediums, including on radio reaching over 4,396,000.

The campaign videos generated more than 40,000 views and reached over 156,000 via the content creators’ channels.



Minimum alcohol, maximum enjoyment? Yes, it is possible!
Dávid Katz - Minimum alcohol, maximum enjoyment? Yes, it is possible!
Marci Miskovits - Minimum alcohol, maximum enjoyment!

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