Laphroaig packaging redesign

Suntory Global Spirits
United Kingdom
2023 > 2023
#Packaging #ResourceEfficiency #WasteManagement


Improve sustainability of Laphroaig Packaging from the recycled content in the design choices to right-weighting bottles and ensuring the recyclability of the product.

To allign with with long-term sustainability goals.


Suntory Global Spirits (SGS) use a cloud-based life cycle assessment solution to evaluate their packaging, helping them build in sustainability right from the start. As part of this, SGS analysed their existing packaging options against a range of environmental performance criteria and developed guidelines that inform future packaging design decisions earlier in the development process. In 2023, Laphroaig unveiled a refreshed, more sustainable design to its iconic packaging in an effort to reduce the carbon footprint of each bottle.
The new packaging design retains the recognisable green bottle with distinctive black and white label but replaces the plastic bar top with a beech wood alternative, as well as switching out the secondary packaging tube for a more recycling-friendly carton.  
The new packaging supports SGS’s Proof Positive sustainability strategy and long-term commitments to achieve net zero carbon emissions across its value chain by 2040.  


The new packaging will reduce CO2 emissions by 30%.  It will result in a reduction of 1,184.74 tons of greenhouse gases per year – equivalent to growing 30,711 saplings over ten years – a significant contribution to the overall reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.



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