Towards a sustainable future

Suntory Global Spirits
2021 > Ongoing
#Packaging #ResourceEfficiency #SustainableAgriculture #WasteManagement #WaterUse


To achieve 100% recyclable packaging by the end of 2023.

To reduce Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030.

To reduce water usage by 50% by 2030.

To achieve net zero across the entire value chain by 2040.

To remove virgin PET from their processes, with the aim of using 60% recycled materials in manufacturing by 2040.


Climate change threatens the resilience of the natural products used and the people in the community, and as such, threatens the very essence of Courvoisier.  Courvoisier is committed to their local area and people, as well as the wider global community and planet. Courvoisier’s journey to sustainability started with an in-depth analysis of their carbon footprint and the identification of areas where they could make impactful change.  

Sustainable sourcing

  • Oak preservation: Oak barrels impart extraordinary character to our cognacs but rising global temperatures have introduced opportunistic pest species and other challenges to oak forests in France. In partnership with the Office National des Forêts (ONF), it is funding an innovative study to better understand the threats to our beautiful forests with a donation of 425,000 euros over four years.
  • Forest and fields: The Forest and Fields programme focuses on tree preservation and health and Courvoisier is planting trees to craft the barrels for their cognac. Courvoisier recently announced a new long-term partnership with the Office National des Forêts (ONF), expanding on its tree preservation and health efforts initiated in 2021 as part of its Forest and Fields programme.

Supporting biodiversity

  • Bees: Bees move pollen between plants to help them reproduce and are a crucial part of our ecosystem. The bee is an ancient symbol of France’s sovereigns, historically standing for immortality and royalty. Courvoisier graced the tables of royal courts in France and Europe and bee patterns were incorporated into label designs to express this royal heritage. These patterns are still visible on selected bottles today. With bee populations in decline, Courvoisier sponsors beehives at their facilities through “Un Toit Pour les Abeilles” (“A Roof for the Bees”). The sponsorship helps the association install beehives across the country and plant fallow land in which the bees can forage and pollinate flowers.
  • O’Vignes: O’Vignes is a project which brings together three Courvoisier wine growers and two communities around Jarnac to focus on protecting local water quality. The project is planned for expansion, converting even more land in partnership with wine growers – all while making a positive impact on water quality for local communities. 
  • Changes to farming practices: These include investing in a recuperator panel sprayer to reduce our use of phytosanitary products.
  • Soil health: Includes installing grass cover every two rows in the vineyard to promote soil health, increase nitrogen supply to plants and enhance biodiversity.
  • Land maintenance: Sheep are also used to help maintain the land around the Les Métairies warehouse.
  • Certification: The Cognac Environment Certification (CEC) is a joint initiative between Cognac houses and the French Ministry of Agriculture to promote sustainable practices in the This important initiative focuses on the reduction of chemical agriculture, management of liquid waste and fostering meaningful dialogue between wine growers and their neighbors.

Sustainable packaging

Suntory Global Spirits (SGS) use a cloud-based life cycle assessment solution to evaluate their packaging, helping them build in sustainability right from the start. As part of this, SGS analysed their existing packaging options against a range of environmental performance criteria and developed guidelines that inform future packaging design decisions earlier in the development process.

  • In 2021, Courvoisier refreshed its bottles, labels and packaging designs.
  • Materials and manufacturing technologies have been carefully selected to limit the weight and the CO2 emissions of its products. Bakelite, mono-materials or Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)- certified paper are examples of initiatives that help Courvoisier to reduce its environmental impact.


Office National des Forêts (ONF)


Courvoisier has implemented global sourcing practices and continues to oversee and reduce scope 3 emissions in line with company-level targets. The brand follows strict practices to protect biodiversity and to mitigate its impact on the local environment.


  • With the new bottles, the volume of glass used per year has been reduced by 241 tonnes, which will avoid approximately 145 tonnes of CO2 emissions.
  • Materials and manufacturing technologies have been carefully selected to limit the weight and the CO2 emissions of its products.
  • Bakelite, mono-materials or Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)-certified paper are examples of initiatives that help Maison Courvoisier to reduce its environmental impact.


  • As of 2022 Courvoisier plants more trees than are used for cognac barrels.
  • Courvoisier sponsors 10 beehives with up to 600,000 bees.
  • The O’Vignes project has converted 40 hectares of agricultural land into natural grasslands to protect the water table. As part of the project, more than 250 different species of plants will be planted as crop cover, which will allow rainwater to be filtered into groundwater, helping remove pollutants and develop biodiversity. The additional plant life will also expand the habitat for important insect populations and fauna.

Emissions and transport:

Courvoisier has transitioned to efficient, low nitrogen oxide burners to reduce carbon emissions at its distillery. It also purchases 100% guaranteed renewable electricity and has shifted from diesel trucks to rail to reduce transport emissions.

Measurement & evaluation

  • In November 2023, Courvoisier earned the esteemed Butterfly Mark, a certification given to luxury brands that meet rigorous standards in sustainability, social practices, and governance. Issued by Positive Luxury, Courvoisier received an overall score of 72, which is 44% above the benchmark score of 50, as a result of the brand’s positive change across environmental, social and governance (ESG) initiatives.
  • Maison Courvoisier’s estate is certified by the French government’s “La Haute Valeur Environnementale,” the highest environmental and biodiversity-based government certification standard. 




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SGS_2021_Sustainability_Report.pdf (pdf - 5.28 Mo)